Archive for the Oath Keepers Category

Watertown? Ferguson? Your Town? Your Son? Will They Allow It In Laramie? (August 11, 2014)

Posted in Civil Rights/Civil Liberties, Ferguson, Guns, Military, Oath Keepers, Police, Race on August 11, 2014 by

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K          “The official response to the Boston Marathon bombing provided a convenient beta test for the imposition of martial law in America.  Systematic house-to-house raids in locked-down Watertown, Massachusetts gave us a glimpse of the future.”

J          “They did not even look like cops.  They did not look like a para-military.  They looked like the military on a mission to search and destroy.  They dress in riot gear and expect to chaperon a cotillion?”

K          “They are now roaming Ferguson as if it is Fallujah.  The foreign policy doctrine that ‘It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it’ may now be a doctrine of American domestic policy.”

J          “A few ordinary citizens in Watertown obtained a few seconds of furtive images on cell phones that were avoided by the major television networks and archived on YouTube.  You too can view and decide.”

K          “In a crisis, the Internet and cell phones in an area could be disabled by the authorities.  Someone may need to capture an event with a Polaroid and celluloid and communicate with cans and a string.”

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K          “Too many citizens think they will make their last stand with their gun in hand.  The authorities will simply vaporize someone who is inconvenient.”

J          “Some folks are fooling themselves.  Any citizen who resists will be secreted away at night or exterminated without seeing the light of day.”

K          “One of the recent challenges is a failure.  The public response by some at the Cliven Bundy Ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada was misplaced and misdirected.  Bundy is a racist deadbeat who owes money to all of us for exploiting our land for years.  The public must fight the right fight.”

J          “When you loot a local business, you lose a local business.”

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J          “Nixon asked if it would play in Peoria to gauge whether Middle America would allow it.”

K          “Some say they may have tolerated it in Massachusetts because the state has strict gun control laws.”

J          “Will they allow it in Laramie?”

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[See the e-commentary titled “Men In Pink: Today’s Sensitive New SWAT Togs (August 20, 2012).”]

Bumper stickers of the week:

The folks in Ferguson, Missouri appear not to yearn to allow it

De-militarize the police; police the military

April 19 (April 19, 2010)

Posted in Civil Rights/Civil Liberties, Guns, Oath Keepers, Race on April 19, 2010 by

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C          “April 19 is joining July 4, September 11 and December 7 among the freighted dates in our national experience.  The first shots of the Revolutionary War fired at Lexington and Concord in 1775 echo today and have taken on almost religious significance.”

D          “You have got to love it.  Rallying in the Commonwealth of Virginia and in the Federal City on the fifteenth anniversary of McVeigh’s bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building and the seventeenth anniversary of the end of the FBI/ATF siege at Waco could not be more felicitous.  And telling.”

C          “The Oath Keepers also celebrated their first year on the national scene.  Reaffirming one’s oath to protect and defend the Constitution seems harmless.  When a person takes the oath, however, there is no term limit.  There is no swear to protect and defend ‘till death do us part’ limitation.”

D          “They almost seem like they might have an idea with a hint of merit if the message did not get hijacked and distorted so easily by the nut cases.”

C          “What is unsettling is that the message is laced with both racism and hints of violence, at least among some of the members.”

D          “Their sense of timing is not impeccable.  Our civil rights and civil liberties were threatened far more in the first eight years of this century than they are today.”

C          “The founder of Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, is an engaging advocate.  He wrote a few pieces in opposition to some of the Cheney/Bush transgressions years ago; these things called blogs leave a readily accessible record.  He also observed that a guy who is part Hispanic and Native American is not a poster child for white supremacy.  And he worked for two years as a public defender which is a career move that too few members of the Supreme Court pursued, to our detriment.  But listen to the discussions of others when the cameras and microphones are off.”

D          “It is there in black and white.  Nothing in the Constitution states or suggests that the legal pronouncements of an African-American President are unconstitutional because he is part Black.  For too many, that is the animating fear.”

C          “That is the heart of my misgiving.  It was a balmy almost warm DC day, yet there are clouds on the horizon.”

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C          “And the Park Police, paid with tax dollars, kept everyone cool.”

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Bumper stickers of the week:

Hate – The Only Growth Industry In America

O’Bama – Giving Back America To Americans