Archive for the Oceans Category

Dear Costco:  Please Pull Plastic Bottles (June 12, 2017)

Posted in Boycott Series, Consumerism, Environment, Oceans, Plastic, Water on June 12, 2017 by

Costco Wholesale Corporation

P.O. Box 34331

Seattle, Washington 98124

Dear sir or madam:

          Costco impacts the lives and livelihoods of your customers and other citizens.  Plastic threatens the lives and livelihoods of your customers and other citizens.  As part of your “Sustainability Commitment,” would you do your part to reduce the threat of plastic to the lives and livelihoods of your customers and other citizens?

          Using plastic bottles to transport water creates pollution and public health problems that often are unseen and threaten the very water they fleetingly transport.  Plastic bottles roam and range the seas.  The bottles break down into little particles and shards ingested by birds, whales and other critters.  Lead shot in birds is discernible via x-ray, yet plastic particles go undetected except by chemical analysis.

          Issue a major public statement that you will no longer carry bottled water.  For ninety days, post a statement in the area of each of your stores that otherwise would house the bottles above a palette intentionally left empty.  You will perforce lose business and make fewer profits.

          Thank you for your attention to this request.  Best wishes.

. . .

[June 8 was World Oceans Day.]

[See the e-commentary at “Playa Plastica / Plastic Beach (September 13, 2010)” and “Plastic Pirates (August 6, 2012)” and in the category “Plastic.”]

Bumper sticker of the week:

Boycott bottled water