Archive for the Nuclear Power Category

Lights Out: Renegade Nuclear Plants (September 21, 2015)

Posted in Collapse, Community, Energy, Internet, Nuclear Power, Society on September 21, 2015 by

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1          “A friend wrote ‘electricity’ on the board and then wrote an equal sign (=) and then wrote ‘civilization.’  After discussing the precariousness of the electric grid, she drew a slash through ‘electricity’ and then described the consequences of life without electricity.  And then she punctuated the presentation by drawing a slash through ‘civilization.’  The most existential threat is not a loss of the ability to play video games or chill beer, it is all the nuclear power plants that will not be cooled in a systemic power failure resulting in nuclear winter.  Lights out.”

2          “And radiation favors and savors aviation.”

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1          “My hypothesis is that some consequences are so certain and so grave that we cannot even think about them let alone talk about them.”

2          “Everyone is struggling just to get through the day.  Putting an existential catastrophe on one’s psychological plate is too overwhelming and thus not done.”

1          “Anther hypothesis I entertain is that dark video screens and tepid beer lead to misbehavior.”

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[See the e-commentary at Girding For The Going Grid (October 11, 2010).]

Bumper stickers of the week:

Electricity = Civilization; No Electricity = No Civilization

Is the grid going or is the grid going?

National Preparedness Month Weekly Themes:
• Week 1: September 1-5 Flood
• Week 2: September 6-12 Wildfire
• Week 3: September 13-19 Hurricane
• Week 4: September 20-26 Power Outage
• Week 5: September 27-30 Lead up to National PrepareAthon! Day (September 30th )

“In my view, nuclear power represents an unjustified faith in the power of human societies to control extremely complex technologies over the very long term.  Any activity requiring a great deal of complex and cooperative control will do badly in difficult economic times.”  Stoneleigh / Nichole Foss