Archive for the Wall Street Category

Third Annual Pushitzer Prize In Commentary For 2018 (April 16, 2018)

Posted in Awards / Incentives, Journalism, Military, Newspapers, Press/Media, Pulitzer, Pushitzer, Wall Street, War, War and Wall Street Party on April 16, 2018 by

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            “The envelope please.  . . .  This year’s Pushitzer Prize in Commentary is awarded to . . . Danny Sjursen for trenchant insights provided by a patriot who spent time in the trenches.  Author of Ghost Riders of Baghdad:  Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge, the active duty major contributes incisively to the discussion of American foreign policy and military affairs and the physical and psychological consequences of war.”

. . .

And a tip of the hat to the U.S. Department of Defense that allows an active duty military officer to comment freely on important public issues.

[Please send nominations for the Pushitzer Prize in Commentary for 2019 and a supporting letter by January 25, 2019 to and send the entry fee to your favorite charity.]

[See the e-commentary at “Pulitzers Are Pro-War?  Pressing The Pushitzers (April 22, 2013)”, “First Annual Pushitzer Prize In Commentary For 2016 (April 18, 2016)”, “Second Annual Pushitzer Prize In Commentary For 2017 (April 10, 2017)”, “Smedley And Ernest On Our Friend ‘War’, The ‘Racket’ Continues (September 7, 2015)”, “A War On War? (May 30, 2016)”, “Seriously Sizing Up Syria Seizing Up (October 12, 2015)”, “The Drums of War (February 20, 2012)”, “Syria: Gas and Fog (August 26, 2013)”, “Time To Talk:  Hear The Guitar (December 9, 2013)” and “The Percolating Middle East (February 22, 2016)”.]

. . .

Bumper stickers of the week:

For good and honest stuff

Dissent is patriotic

Race And Class And Crime: Jail White People.  Oh, And Happy Martin Luther King Day! (January 15, 2018)

Posted in Affirmative Action, Class, Crime/Punishment, Due Process, Equal Protection, Guns, Justice, Prison/Criminology, Race, Wall Street on January 15, 2018 by

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K          “Blacks are disproportionately and unfairly favored over Whites.”

J          “Browns too.  And the long-term studies clearly show that many of the Blacks and Browns who were preferred over the Whites and received a free ride at public expense were clearly unfit and unqualified at the time of matriculation.”

. . .

K          “White people are criminals.  They commit almost all of the crime . . . measured by the time-honored dollar per transgression ($/transgression) metric.  We need to lock up White people.”

J          “That is exactly my point.  The total criminal activity of White people (CAW Index) is calibrated in the trillions of dollars.  The total criminal activity of Black and Brown people (CABB Index) is calibrated in the hundreds of millions of dollars and perhaps may be as high as a billion dollars when everything is considered, calculated and calibrated.”

. . . 

J          “That underscores the fundamental Equal Protection rights of Whites that are being trampled and transgressed by favoring Blacks and Browns in the allocation of public accommodations at the graybar hotels of America.”

K          “And the Due Process rights of Whites.  Whites must be afforded the right to receive ‘three hots and a cot’ on the public dole.”    

. . .

K          “So what you are saying is that in 2018, no Blacks or Browns should be sent to jail and in their stead Whites should be given the highly-coveted openings in jail.”

J          “Exactly.  Unless a gun, knife or other weapon is involved, any Black or Brown charged with a property crime in 2018 should be given probation and not take a spot away from a deserving White in the graybar hotels of America.”

. . .

[See the e-commentary at “King Seale Newton X Day (January 16, 2017)”, “King Daze (January 20, 2014)” and “King (January 16, 2006).”]     

Bumper stickers of the week:

Jail White People Now

Prison:  It’s not just for Blacks and Browns

The Unrelenting Daily Assaults, Year Two.  Oh, And Happy New Year! (January 1, 2018)

Posted in Kleptocracy, Noble Prize in Eco-nomics, Taxation, Trumpi, Wall Street, War on January 1, 2018 by

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K          “We embark on another year of unrelenting daily assaults, day in and day out, week in and week out, month in and month out.  A helve and trip hammer of travesties.”

J          “Everything that is decent, civil and moral is constantly crashed, condemned and carpet bombed.”

K          “With Trumpi now coronated the king of the Kleptocracy, the Kleptocrats are kings and in complete control of the Kleptocracy.”

. . .

J          “The Nation’s Saltwater-Crocodile-In-Chief is presiding over the Swilling of the Swamp.”

K          “Donaldo Trumpi and his thugs are dismembering, disemboweling and dismantling the body politic.”

. . .

J          “I have said before, however, that a desperately fragile system is nonetheless irrationally resilient.  Not yet.”

K          “This new year may just be the year of resolution.  There is no center; it cannot hold.  If he does not blow up the world first, Trumpi’s devastating destruction and the American Empire’s already inherent decline may pave the road to a rebuilt and downsized Republic.”

J          “A bad drunk must first hit rock bottom.  The drunk is still staggering.  This country was talking about repaving its roads as part of the redevelopment and rebirth.”

. . .

K          “I resolve to revise and complete the ‘Manual For A Constitutional And Sustainable Post-Empire America’ as my project for the new year.”

J          “We need to maintain some record to guide us during the recovery and the rebuild.  A national road map to redemption.”

. .  .

[David B. Collum, the other David who provides a review of the events of the departing year, delivers his “2017 Year in Review” titled “Markets Fiddle While Rome Burns” available at Peak Prosperity.  John W. Whitehead, the recipient of the 2017 Noble Prize in Jurisprudence, offers a trenchant analysis of our circumstances in “Apocalypse Now:  2017 Was Another Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year” available at The Rutherford Institute.]

[See the e-commentary titled “The Drums of War (February 20, 2012)” presented at the outset of 2012, “‘Mericanize:  Monetize, Mechanize And Militarize (December 30, 2013)” presented at the outset of 2014, “Twenty Sixteen (January 4, 2016)” presented at the outset of 2016 and “Venturing A Few Unfounded And Unwarranted Predictions (July 13, 2015)” presented during the mid-year of 2015.] 

Bumper stickers of the week:

Have an exquisite new year

Repeal and Replace Trumpi

The Tax Deform Bill:  Making The Rich Richer And The Powerful Powerfuler

Tax Deform:  What happened to the post card tax return?

The Year of the Unreal to the Year of the Surreal

2018 – The Year of the Lizard, Act 2


Trumpi Goes Neocon; Capitulates In Syria; Supports ISIS; Attacks Without Provocation (April 17, 2017)

Posted in Bush, Deep State, Kleptocracy, Neoconservatives, O'Bama, Rule of Law, Russia, Syria, Trumpi, Wall Street, War, War and Wall Street Party on April 17, 2017 by

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K          “Trumpi capitulated.  He is no different after all.  Tossing five dozen Tomahawks was his initiation into the gang of Washington chickenhawks.”

J          “My first thought was that he took off his mask and revealed himself, but we cannot forget that he does know what he is doing or  why he is doing it or even who he is.  How would the public react if the newspapers and antisocial media sites reported that Trumpi supports ISIS.  Attacking Syria is attacking a country that is attacking ISIS.”

K          “His first Hundred Days have been pockmarked by chaos, confusion and complete capitulation to the ‘War and Wall Street Party’.  Trumpi lacks the strength, the courage, the experience, the maturity and the integrity to disregard the Neoconservatives and to deep six the amoebic and amorphous swamp beast they call the Deep State.”

J          “So now forces are being unleashed to deep six the world.  Bummer.”

K          “What Bush somehow managed to avoid and what O’Bama somewhat skillfully managed to avoid may be coming to a planet near you.  Will it be an expanded proxy war or a full contact world war.” 

. . .

[See “Women for Syria: A Day of Action” held on April 13.]

[See the recent interview with Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and the interview with retired Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson for some perspective.]

[See the e-commentary at “Seriously Sizing Up Syria Seizing Up (October 12, 2015)”, “The Drums of War (February 20, 2012)”, “Syria: Gas and Fog (August 26, 2013)”, “Time To Talk:  Hear The Guitar (December 9, 2013)”, “The Percolating Middle East (February 22, 2016)” and “Smedley And Ernest On Our Friend ‘War’; The ‘Racket’ Continues (September 7, 2015)”.]

Bumper stickers of the week:

Without evidence or authorization . . . from Congress or the United Nations Security Council

Smoke and mirrors so often hide the true source of gas.

Too many drums; not enough guitars.

Pay your taxes; buy a bomb.

Pay your taxes; buy a guitar.

Make America Grating Again. 

Make America Psycho Again.

Political Experience: 0 + Military Experience: 0 + Economic Experience: 0 + Diplomatic Experience: 0 = ?

DNC:  “We’re Losers.  Vote for Us.” (February 27, 2017)

Posted in Democrats, Political Parties, Wall Street, War, War and Wall Street Party on February 27, 2017 by

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K          “They decided to ‘lose with Clinton rather than win with Sanders’ last year and they decided to ‘lose with Perez rather than win with Ellison’ this year.”

J          “I saw something streaming across the bottom of the screen.  So they picked Tom Perez over Keith Ellison as the chair of the Democratic National Committee.”

K          “As the chair of the ‘D’ division of the ‘War and Wall Street Party’.  They decided that their tried and true path to losing is the best way to try to keep losing.  They just don’t get it.”

J          “They are losers.  That’s what losers do.  They lose.”

. . .

J          “However by fielding the ‘Perez/Ellison’ duo, they do hedge with a ‘Clinton/Sanders’ dyad.”

K          “When you get right down to it, the Democratic National Committee is really the Democratic National Corporation, Inc. with five hundred wealthy shareholders known as super delegates beholden to the war industry and Wall Street.”

J          “And all the shareholder derivative actions brought by the helpless villagers are repeatedly repelled.”

. . .  

[See “Democrats Elect Thomas Perez, Establishment Favorite, as Party Chairman” in “The New York Times” by Jonathan Martin dated February 25, 2017.]

[See the e-commentary at “The First Look At The ‘Second Political Party’ (January 3, 2011).”]

Bumper sticker of the week:

“They are losers.  That’s what losers do.  They lose.”

Better the crook we know than the crazy man we don’t?  Applying The Conservative Tie Breaker. (June 20, 2016)

Posted in Clinton, Elections, On [Traits/Characteristics], Political Parties, Politics, Presidency, Solstice, Sports, Supreme Court, Trumpi, Wall Street, War, War and Wall Street Party on June 20, 2016 by

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K          “Better the crook we know than the crazy man we don’t?”

J          “You sure?”

. . .

K          “Better the crazy crook we know than the crooked crazy man we don’t?”

J          “You sure?”

K          “Better the war-savoring, crazy crook we know than the xenophobic, crooked, crazy man we don’t?”

J          “You sure?”

K          “Better the war-savoring and Wall Street-favoring, crazy crook we know than the xenophobic, bigoted, crooked, crazy man we don’t?”

J          “You sure?”

K          “Better the lying, war-savoring and Wall Street-favoring, crazy crook we know than the lying, xenophobic, bigoted, crooked, crazy man we don’t?”

J          “You sure?”

. . .

J          “We are now stuck with two presumptuous Presidential nominees and zero hope.”

K          “Clinton is part of the problem; the Donald does not even understand the problem.  Full stop.”

J          “I’m sure that we have a problem.”

. . .

K          “The conservatives resolve these conundrums by resorting to the aphorism:  ‘Better the devil we know than the devil we don’t.’”

J          “I sure don’t know who is the devil we know and who is the devil we don’t?”

K          “In the final analysis, it all comes down to the Supreme Court.”

. . .

K          “The solstice is the sunniest day of the year up here.  Defaulting to the lesser of the two diabolical devils isn’t the most promising ray of sunshine.”

J          “It starts getting darker every day after 22:34 UTC this afternoon.”

K          “There are still some long days in our future.”

. . .

[See the e-commentary at “The First Look At The ‘Second Political Party’ (January 3, 2011).”]

Bumper stickers of the week:

“And how many more of these stinking double-downer sideshows will we have to go through before we can get . . . a chance to vote for something, instead of always being faced with that old familiar choice between the lesser of two evils?”  Hunter S. Thompson

Better the crook we know than the crazy man we don’t?

The other election this week in Britain on the “Brexit” will be revealing.

Cleveland was hot yesterday and may be hot this July.

Pulitzer Prize In Commentary For 2016 (April 11, 2016)

Posted in Journalism, Newspapers, Press/Media, Sports, Wall Street, War, War and Wall Street Party on April 11, 2016 by

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x          “They have strayed off the reservation for two years and rewarded commentators in the hinterland.  From Detroit to Houston.  Now they must return to the ranch.  This is the year for either the Post or the Times.  This is the year that the two divisions of the ‘War and Wall Street Party’ pick their puppets.  This is the year that someone who champions the interests of the ‘R’ division of the ‘War and Wall Street Party’ gets the nod.”

y          “Brooks or Douthat.”

x          “Or their ilk.  Someone who challenges fundamental assumptions is lost.”    

. . .

Bumper sticker of the week:

April 15:  In 1947, Jackie Robinson took the field at Ebbet’s Field as the first Black major league baseball player; in 1997 Major League Baseball retired his number 42.  A fine and felicitous recognition.

The Donald:  Enough; Bastante; Basta (April 4, 2016)

Posted in Education, Elections, Health Care, Voting, Wall Street, War on April 4, 2016 by

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X          “Dangerous.”

Y          “Enough.  Bastante.  Basta.  In any language, enough is now more than enough.”

X          “Danger has caught fire.  Those who kindled a small fire are fighting their fire with another fire.  Fighting fire with fire is more likely to create a great conflagration than to contain the fury.”

Y          “For a time, in his own twisted way, he challenged the war and Wall Street memes.  Now he is at war with decency and civility.  I have had enough, but his followers may have not gotten enough yet.”

. . .

X          “Both the Donald and the Cruz are dangerous, very dangerous.”

Y          “General elections are always about choosing between the lesser of two evils.  Primaries and caucuses are not supposed to present such a bleak choice between evil and vile.”

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Y          “The current Senator and the former Senator are ratcheting up their spat.  However, the undemocratic process of the Democratic Party machine dooms Sanders.  Even their system is rigged.”

X          “Everything is rigged.  Sanders is proposing time-honored first-world public policies.  The country cannot afford a rational and efficient single payer health care system and cannot afford not to adopt a rational and efficient single payer health care system.  The country cannot afford a system of affordable education and cannot afford not to adopt a system of affordable education.  The country cannot afford to adopt what it cannot afford not to adopt.”

Y          “We could pay for it by paying for it the way we pay for war.”

. . .

[See “Physicians For A National Health Care Program” for some perspective on health insurance.]

Bumper sticker of the week:

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been.  The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’”  Isaac Asimov, “A Cult of Ignorance”, Newsweek, January 21, 1980.  

A Second Party:  Trump or Sanders? (March 14, 2016)

Posted in Banks and Banking System, Democrats, Elections, Federal Courts, Freedom / Liberty, Republicans, Stock Market, Supreme Court, Tea Party, Voting, Wall Street, War, War and Wall Street Party on March 14, 2016 by

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J          “Do political ideas proceed along a line/continuum or around a circle?”

K          “The ACLU card-carrying citizen turns around and bumps into a ‘Who is John Galt?’ hat-wearing libertarian sporting an ‘Ayn Rand Paul’ button.  Each should wonder whether they have something in common.”

. . .

K          “Trump supporters yearn for someone who speaks his mind – right or wrong – rather than a politician who only lies and lies and lies and lies to them.”

J          “Can you blame them.  But it is still a message of hate and fear.  I can blame them.”

K          “Disturbing message and tone, I agree.  And then Sanders notes that socialism/crony capitalism has made the wealthy even wealthier and thus socialism without crony capitalism may offer some promise for the non-wealthy.”

J          “Two strains of populist messages at a strained time in the Republic.  Yet Trump’s authoritarian message is disturbing and threatening.  The message is no longer conveyed with dog whistles.”

. . .

J          “The two-ring circus to select the ‘D’ representative and the ‘R’ representative of the ‘War and Wall Street’ Party grinds forward.”

K          “Sanders is not the War candidate and not the Wall Street candidate, so he is doomed.”

J          “In the FIRE (‘Finance, Insurance, Real Estate’) World, Trump is more of a ‘Real Estate’ person than a Wall Street/‘Finance’ person, yet he is not interested in or even able to reign in the systematic criminal activities on Wall Street.  He is belligerent and he is bellicose, yet he does not fit in with the Neo-Cons who seek war everywhere all the time.”

K          “‘Belli’ means ‘war’.”

J          “Trump is mean and Trump means war on some groups.”

K          “So he is the Quasi-War and Quasi-Wall Street Party candidate.”

. . .

K          “The real war is over the Supreme Court.  In past years, the Democrats tended to appoint slightly less dishonest federal appellate and district court judges, although recent Democratic appointments are as dishonest as the Republican appointments.”

J          “They vitiated the last remaining tie breaker.  Now who do you vote for?”

. . .

J          “The Owners own Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Romney and their ilk.  Sanders and Trump are speaking too freely.”

K          “Hillary Cruz, Ted Rubio, Marco Bush, Jeb Romney and Mittens Clinton.  No matter how you mix it up, it is all the same.”

. . .

[See the e-commentary at Tea Party And Innocence Project Form ‘Liberty Alliance’ (September 9, 2013) and The “War and Wall [Street] Party” On The War Path (February 1, 2016).]

Bumper sticker of the week:

Nihilism as a response to the deeply-entrenched Kleptocrary is not always irrational.

The “War and Wall [Street] Party” On The War Path (February 1, 2016)

Posted in Banks and Banking System, Elections, Politics, Voting, Wall Street, War on February 1, 2016 by

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K          “The two divisions of the ‘War and Wall [Street] Party’ are conducting the first of their many charades and parades today.  The WW Party is on the war and Wall Street path.”

J          “The ‘D’ division and the ‘R’ division of the ‘WW’ Party are picking their faces and their facades.  At least with the Buffoon on the loose, the process is a more entertaining farce this year.”

K          “Bernie Sanders is not really a war and Wall Street person nor for that matter is Rand Paul.”

J          “The Owners will veto the Bern’s candidacy.  The Paul is not gravitating toward the war and Wall Street crowd fast enough to endure.”

. . .

J          “The rest of them are all Tweedlededumb for the ‘D’ division and Tweedlededumb for the ‘R’ division.”

. . .

[See the e-commentary at The Choice:  Pro War And Pro-Wall Street Candidate v. Pro War And Pro-Wall Street Candidate (April 13, 2015) and The First Look At The “Second Political Party” (January 3, 2011).]

Bumper stickers of the week:

“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.”  Mark Twain

Professor George Carlin was right (left?).

The bottom 1% are fighting wars for the top 1%.

Making the world unsafe for Wall Street.