Graduation Advice:  Find The First Amendment (May 15, 2023)

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K          “Find the First Amendment.  Don’t quit until you find it.  It may be hidden under a rock.  If you quit and don’t find it, we may get stoned for what we say.”

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K          “Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’23 . . . find the First Amendment. . . .  If I could offer you only one tip for the future . . . find the First Amendment.  You have been studying and partying and extracurricularing at a frantic and frenetic pace.  Now is the time to . . . find the First Amendment.  The assault on the First Amendment is coordinated and unrelenting by just about every large public and private and quasi public/private institution in America.  We all love it in theory but have a hard time applying it in practice, at least to others.  Sentiments such as the First Amendment and Due Process require a level of emotional intelligence and maturity sorely lacking today particularly among the parvenu PMC caste who were expensively school and yet lightly educated. As you join the company of educated men and women, find the First Amendment.”

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K          “Wear sunscreen.  Wear hearing protection; listen attentively.  Wear chainsaw safety chaps; cut with care.  Eat dessert: First.  Learn to tie a bowline (and a bow tie).  Stop, pause, think.  Eschew fear.  Transcend:  Maintain FL 44; Make A Few Discrete Dives And Diversions To TPA (Traffic Pattern Altitude).  And find the First Amendment.”

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[See “High Court Declines Arkansas Case on Boycotting Israel” by Marjorie Cohn in “Consortium News” dated March 2, 2023 discussing the one case more than any other case that should have been reviewed and reversed by the Court (the “Illegitimate Institution”?) without delay or hesitation.  See the e-commentary at Senate Repeals Constitution.  Oh, And Happy Presidents’ Day! (February 18, 2019) and House [Also] Repeals Constitution.  Oh, And Happy Civic Holiday In Canada! (August 5, 2019) and the entire Boycott Category.  For good measure, see “Biden’s DOJ Indicts Four Americans for Their Political Views on Russia” by Dave DeCamp in dated April 19, 2023.]

[See the original “Sunscreen Column”, the Wikipedia article “Wear Sunscreen” and listen to “Everbody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)”.]

[See the e-commentary at The Möbius Loop Of Stupidity, Dishonesty, Hypocrisy, Incompetence, Indifference, Arrogance, . . .  Oh, And Happy Thanksgiving! (November 25, 2019), Graduation Advice:  Transcend:  Maintain FL 44; Make A Few Discrete Dives And Diversions To TPA (Traffic Pattern Altitude) (May 16, 2022), Graduation Advice: Eschew Fear (May 10, 2021), Graduation Advice:  Stop, Pause, Think (May 18, 2020), Graduation Advice:  Learn To Tie a Bowline (And A Bow Tie) (May 13, 2019), Graduation Advice:  Eat Dessert.  First. (May 14, 2018), Graduation Advice:  Wear Chainsaw Safety Chaps; Cut With Care (May 15, 2017), Graduation Advice:  Wear Hearing Protection; Listen Attentively (May 16, 2016) and the advice to youth at Go East, Young Person (August 25, 2014).] 

Bumper stickers of the week:

Wear sunscreen.  Wear hearing protection; listen attentively.  Wear chainsaw safety chaps; cut with care.  Eat dessert:  First.  Learn to tie a bowline (and a bow tie).  Stop, pause, think.  Eschew fear.  Transcend:  Maintain FL 44; Make A Few Discrete Dives And Diversions To TPA (Traffic Pattern Altitude).  And find the First Amendment.

Find the First Amendment

Flee the Mobius Loop

Make 2024 the “Year Of The First Amendment”

“Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels – men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.  As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.”  Dwight D. Eisenhower.

“I disapprove of what you say, but [I] will defend to the death your right to say it.”  Voltaire

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