Archive for the Government Regulation Category

Government Bureaucracy 101 (September 26, 2016)

Posted in Bureaucracy, Global Climate Change, Global Warming, Government Regulation, Hypocrisy, Journalism, Kleptocracy, Newspapers, Press/Media on September 26, 2016 by

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K          “When you find the need for the government to be there, it is nowhere to be found; when you need the government to be off your back, it finds a way to be in your face.”

J          “To be or to be.  That is the quandary.”

. . .

J          “I find that so many individuals today do not want to work and do not want government to work so they go to work for the government and do not work and then the government does not work.  They rationalize their studied indifference by saying they are getting government off our backs.  At least this species of overpaid and underworked bureaucrats is not in your face, only in your pocket book.”

K          “So many times the bureaucrat with all the resources of the bureau could have done something in the face of a clear need for action.  If there is any possible downside to the bureaucrat or the activity requires effort, nothing is ever done.  At all.  And those terrified and overpaid bureaucrats include judges who are often the worst offenders.”

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K          “That is still a problem.  There are those times when there is a need for the government to work.  I am trying to make the government work.”

J          “Sounds like a romantic to me.”

. . .

K          “Some bureaucrats in the Environmental Protection Agency are trying diligently to protect the environment.”

J          “There are exceptions.”

. . .

[See the e-commentary at “Go East, Young Person (August 25, 2014)” and “‘Titters’ v. ‘Self-Unemployed’ (September 1, 2014).”] 

Bumper stickers of the week:

The system works for most journalists, so most journalists report that the system works.

“When you find the need for the government to be there, it is nowhere to be found; when you need the government to be off your back, it finds a way to be in your face.”

“I find that so many individuals today do not want to work and do not want government to work so they go to work for the government and do not work and then the government does not work.” 

“All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: it’s one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. . . .  The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.  Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it.  And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.

The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic.  He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched.  He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.”

H.L. Mencken

I Spy, You Spy, They Spy (October 28, 2013)

Posted in Civil Rights/Civil Liberties, Cyberactivities, Due Process, FISA, Google, Government Regulation, National Defense Authorization Act / FY 2012, Perjury, Perjury/Dishonesty, Privacy, USA PATRIOT Act on October 28, 2013 by

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A          “Remember back in the halcyon days of 2002 when everyone proclaimed that surely the government was not spying on fellow Americans.”

B          “September 11, 2001 may have been the pivotal day.  Ineptitude and incompetence gave way to fear and folly.  Increased spying is no surprise.  And yet now everyone is surprised.”

A          “And I was deemed paranoid because I knew they were gathering data on us.”

B          “It is not paranoia if they are really after you.”

A          “They were after us.  Every instinct informed me that we were being monitored.”

B          “So many government officials in the know knowingly lied in various forums including some under oath and averred that there was no spying.  Many of those who testified agreed to tell ‘the whole truth’ and did not tell the whole truth.”

A          “I realize that we as a people have always been placing an ear up to a door to snatch a snippet of conversation, yet now there are no restraints.”

. . .

A/B       “Are we safer?”

. . .

Bumper sticker of the week:

“Snowden is a traitor.  Stop spying on me.”

Boycott The Olympic Boycott (August 12, 2013)

Posted in Boycott Series, Gay Politics, Government Regulation, Russia, Society, Sports on August 12, 2013 by

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A          “Boycotts are often the most effective moral and economic means to vote against oppression and repression or in favor of truth and justice.  Do not buy a product or do buy another product.  However, boycotting an Olympics is more of an act to ‘cut off your nose to spite your face.’”

B          “Spite and nose cutting are not pretty.”

A          “Send the athletes to compete.  The Olympics are often expressions of nationalism, jingoism and aggression with all manner of doping, deception and dishonesty.  However, there is the possibility that a hard-working kid gets a chance at a bigger stage and a few minutes on the winner’s podium.”

B          “Even if the Russian policy toward gays and gay marriage is reactionary, America should react by sending its athletes who have trained hard to perform.”

A          “Prevailing at an away game on foreign soil and celebrating with restraint is always more sublime.”

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B          “Let the pitchers pitch.”

A          “Pitch your pitch on the pitch.”

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Bumper stickers of the week:

Play ball!

Just win, baby, with dignity and without dope.

Boycott (Advertisers On) AM (Anger Mongering) Radio (March 5, 2011)

Posted in Boycott Series, First Amendment, Government Regulation, Less Government Regulation Series, Market Solutions on March 5, 2012 by

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C1          “Rather than getting the government into the business of regulating evil, vile and loathsome speech, let the citizens decide.”

C2          “I plan to design an easily remembered website providing an updated list of the names of the advertisers on AM (Anger Mongering) radio and television programs.”

C1          “Don’t buy the products or services.  e-mail your friends and neighbors with reminders not to buy the products or services.  Create something creative to spread the word on the net and design it to go viral.  If it does not go viral, try again.  Viral is virile.  Create a contest for the cleverest post.”

C2          “And tell the companies why you are not buying their stuff by writing a short e-mail note to the “Contact Us” address at the company website.  Make it a regular part of your daily routine.  Make a difference.  Make the airwaves safe for reasoned debate.”

. . .

[See for an example.]

Bumper stickers of the week:

Boycott (Advertisers On) Hate Radio

Vote with your dollars

Lapel sticker of the week:

I boycotted _______ .  Ask me why.  [Fill in the product]

On Magazines (February 21, 2011)

Posted in Government Regulation, Guns, Society on February 21, 2011 by

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GO1     “As I recall, someone commented that you earned the Marksman, Marksman First Class, Pro-Marksman and the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth bars of the Sharpshooter Award awarded by the NRA?”

GO2    “And the Expert Award, for good measure.”

GO1     “And the Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert Awards of the Junior Small Bore Competition of the National Board For The Promotion Of Rifle Practice of the Civilian Marksmanship Program?”

GO2    “Exactly.  Why not?  And shot passably at a few competitions.  You competed?”

GO1     “They were there.  Seemed like another thing to pursue.  I never recycled the Basic Rifle Marksmanship manual, the Junior Rifle Handbook, and the Biathlon book written by Arthur Stegen and many of the other NRA (National Rifle Association) publications.”

GO2    “Moved too many times.  The medals and other stuff may surface some day.”

GO1     “Remember during a competition that every event seemed to turn on one shot.  One miss and likely you are out of it.  That is often true in life.  On Opening Day one year, the Jam-O-Matic was true to form and jammed after one shot.  I never riveted a rosary to the gun.  It dutifully jammed without fail.  The other guys could unload three shots.  I noticed something.”

GO2    “The bird count.”

GO1     “Exactly.  That’s what counts.  I kept count.  They may be more skilled with a shotgun if they concentrate, own more precise shotguns and can throw thrice the steel.”

GO2    “There is nothing like field research in the field.”

GO1     “I only had one shot.  That got me thinking.  If one is better than three, then fifteen is better than thirty-three.”

GO2    “Curious math.  I’m not sure.  The ducks in the field don’t have guns.  Some of the ducks with guns are not ducky.”

GO1     “I once rapid-fired a fifteen round magazine of 9 millimeter rounds at a target.  It was too easy and effortless.  A magazine that carries more than fifteen rounds in a pistol is unnecessary and dangerous.”

GO2    “In a defensive situation, you usually get three shots in three seconds in less than three meters before it is over.  I don’t see a need for thirty-three shots, yet there a few times when a person gets involved in a sustained fire fight.  Changing magazines is clumsy and dangerous.”

GO1     “How often?  Police may need larger magazines, but not ordinary civilians.  A handheld Gatling gun seems likely only to kill offensively.”

. . .

See and

Bumper stickers of the week:

Not the printed kind

Citizens deserve guns; Psychos do not.

Wisconsin – America’s Tunisia?

The Junior Program of the National Rifle Association has been developed to bring out those qualities of sportsmanship, fair play, manliness, self-control and cooperation so essential to success in life.  . . . .  Forward, Junior Rifle Handbook © 1960 National Rifle Association.

The First Look At The “Second Political Party” (January 3, 2011)

Posted in Abortion, Capital Punishment, Death Penalty, Drugs, Economics, Elections, Gay Politics, Government Regulation, Kleptocracy, Political Parties, Politics, Society on January 3, 2011 by

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R         “I’ve been shut out by the venal and feral nut cases in my party.”

D         “I’ve been sold out by the effete and craven fruits in my party.”

R         “My team is fraudulent; yours is feckless.”

D         “Your team markets fear; mine peddles hope.  No one addresses problems or provides answers.”

. . .

D         “Your team caters to the very rich; you’re not very rich.”

R         “But I can be.”

D         “Not any longer.  They let you nourish that delusion to string you along.”

R         “But I could have been.”

. . .

R         “We need a third party.”

D         “We already have a third party, but it is a rabid and toxic mix of nuts and fruits.  We need a fourth party.”

R         “At core, both parties are owned hook, line and over the barrel by the same corporate and financial interests.  The Repubocrats and the Demolicans.  Maybe we need a second party.”

D         “Our country has transformed from a democracy to a kleptocracy.  Each party protects and serves the kleptocrats and banksters who keep the public diverted and entertained with frivolous diversions and entertainments.”

R         “The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United was designed to promote the interests of my party and also has doomed the prospect of any other party emerging in America.”

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D         “We need less government involvement in our personal lives.  No government definition of marriage.  No government regulation of abortion.  No government criminalization of marijuana.”

R         “We need government to dictate the definition of marriage.  It is what I say it is, between a man and a woman.  We need government to invade each bedroom and demand delivery of every conceivable baby.  If the little tyke steps out of line, we need capital punishment.  Remember that life begins at conception and ends at birth.  We need government to imprison people for smoking marijuana when it is still legal to drink all the alcohol they want.”

. . .

D         “So now once again what are the essential bedrock policies of the ‘Second Political Party’?”

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Bumper sticker of the week:

TPTB America has abandoned the Middle Class; what is interesting to watch is how the Middle Class abandons TPTB America.

On Freedom and Liberty (May 24, 2010)

Posted in Bailout/Bribe, Energy, Gas/Fossil Fuel, Government Regulation, Less Government Regulation Series, On [Traits/Characteristics] on May 24, 2010 by

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F          “Freedom and liberty are easy to define and difficult to protect and balance.  Assign Mill on Liberty.  That is the run of the mill solution.  Yet freedom and liberty are much more complex in practice.”

L          “Who constrains your freedom and liberty?  If prices are controlled by the government, are you free?  If prices are controlled by a private monopoly, are you free?  Monopolies from Microsoft to Monsanto are greater threats to our freedom than the not infrequent bumbling actions and inactions of incompetent and officious government officials.”

F          “I have a beef with four beef producers controlling the price and quality of beef.  From what I read, every major industry in America is monopolized.”

L          “Which constrains our freedom and liberty.  The chance, albeit slight, of restraining the monopolies and protecting our freedom requires government involvement.  That realization is the beginning of frustration.”

F          “And a few private sector monopolies own Congress and thwart any possibly effective legislation.”

L          “A generation ago, then-Senator Philip Hart of Michigan worked to break up monopolies and confronted Texaco, the oil company, who asserted in ads:  ‘We’ve been working to keep your trust.’  They worked hard and kept their trust.  Those oil companies have their own special charm.”

F          “How do we regulate the financial institutions that are ‘too connected to fail’?  They limit our freedom and liberty.  Lehman deserved to fail and was allowed to fail in part because Paulson did not like Fuld, the President of Lehman.  Washington Mutual deserved to fail and was allowed to fail in part because a West Coast bank is not among the East Coast players.  The other institutions deserved to fail and yet were bailed out.”

L          “It is not pretty or easy.  Why not limit the size of every financial institution to 100 billion dollars?  There are no economies of scale above that limit and many benefits from more players.  Any financial institution with more than 100 billion in assets is a direct threat to our freedom and liberty.”

F          “Great, but the financial sector will veto it.  And regardless of what Congress directs, the regulatory agencies are captured by those who are intended to be regulated.  Investment banks and others realize that no investment pays a greater return on investment than purchasing a piece of a politician.  Money invested in R&D or in HR or in PR does not come close to providing such a handsome return.  Purchasing an entire government agency is cheap and tax deductible as a business expense.”

L          “It is not easy or pretty.  You are doomed if you do and doomed if you don’t.  On the other hand, when the invisible hand begins to backhand the people, the heavy hand of the government is often the only recourse.”

F          “On the other hand, it seems that the government comes around when it is not needed and is not around when it is needed.”

L          “It is not pretty or easy.  I have worked for years with some agencies that are useless.”

F          “Need I say more.”

L          “I would like to see private sector initiatives such as the Young Americans For Freedom allying with the Innocence Project to protect freedom and liberty.  The white boys are too fixated on limiting taxes on their greens fees when they should be concerned about freedom and liberty for those who are black, brown, red, yellow and ivory.”

. . .

[See the “e-ssay” dated Mar. 26, 2007 titled “Who Is Your Big Bad Bogeyman?” and dated Sept. 4, 2009 titled “The Meltdown Continues, Subtly.”]

Bumper stickers of the week:

Freedom is not free so pay your taxes and shut up

Boycott Arizona

Less Government Regulation Series: Love and Marriage (May 19, 2008)

Posted in Gay Politics, Government Regulation, Less Government Regulation Series, Miscegenation on May 19, 2008 by

Some day, being gay will be akin to being left handed.  No big deal.  Some opine that  there are differences between those who are right handed and those who are left handed yet not enough to start passing legislation mandating disparate treatment.

The California Supreme Court ruled on equal protection grounds that gays in California can marry.  The decision to marry is an individual choice.  The collective (judicial, legislative, executive, bureaucracy) should not define it.

“This is hard to say as a guy, but you aren’t real judgmental.  I think I’m, like, 15 percent gay.”  “I am satisfied that I just don’t have any such impulses, yet I understand that Nature wires some members differently.  . . .   By the way, how does that work?”  . . . . . . . . . . .

The science jocks say that sexual orientation is spread along a continuum.  A small percentage of the population is strictly heterosexual.  Are most members of the population dealing with demons and fears and anxieties that distort their perspective and politics?  Will the constituency for freedom of marriage include those who have no impulses at all toward those of the same sex, those who do, and a few stray free-thinking civil libertarians?

In another generation, however, no one will care.  The current restrictions will be as anachronistic as yesterday’s miscegenation laws.

Bumper sticker of the week:

There oughta not be a law.